Sunday, November 4, 2012

"This Week in Instrumental Music" 11/5-11/9

Good Evening Everyone,

Below is the before/after school schedule for this week:

Monday, 11/5 - Advanced Band @ 7:45AM
Monday, 11/7 - Jazz Band Saxophones @ 2:35
Tuesday, 11/6 - NO SCHOOL - Election Day
Wednesday, 11/7 - Intermediate Band @ 7:45AM
Wednesday, 11/7 - Orchestra @ 2:35PM
Thursday, 11/8 - Advanced Band @ 7:45AM - In Auditorium (Dress Rehearsal for Veteran's Day)
Friday, 11/9 - Advanced Band - Veteran's Day Assembly - Report Time: 7:45AM

**Please Note: Due to the Veteran's Day Assembly and No School on Tuesday, there will be NO  Beginning Band or Jazz Band before school this week.

November Calender: The November Calendar is now posted on each classes Blackboard Site. Please review this calendar ASAP as each ensemble will be rehearsing on different days of the week each week. This is due to the fact that we do not have a full week of school until the last week in November. Please make sure your child know when their rehearsal is each week.

Veteran's Day Performance: The Advanced Band will be performing at the Veteran's Day Assembly this Friday. All Band members must be in the Band Room by 7:45AM. The dress for this performance is the following:

  • Black Shoes and Black Socks - Closed-Toe Shoes Please!
  • Dark (Preferably Black) Bottom - Black Dress Pants or Black Jeans
  • Red, White, or Blue Top - Please try to wear something that is one color.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the dress code for this performance. 

Term 1 Grades: The grades for Term 1 are due this Friday. All of the assignments that have been tuned in have been posted in Gradebook. Any homework assignments or Practice Logs that have not been turned in MUST be submitted by Thursday in order to receive credit. Please see me if you have any questions about your grade. 

We are only a month and a half away from our first concert! Please make sure everyone is taking their instruments home each night and over the weekend to practice your music. 

I am looking forward to a great month of November!


Mr. Daniels

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