Sunday, November 25, 2012

"This Week in Instrumental Music" 11/26-11/30

Good Morning Everyone,

The Winter Concert is quickly approaching. We have just THREE weeks of school before the performance. It is imperative that all students attend the remaining rehearsals leading up to the concert. Below is the rehearsal schedule for this week:

Monday, 11/26 - Beginning Band @ 7:45AM
Tuesday, 11/27 - Advanced Band @ 7:45AM
Tuesday, 11/27 - FULL Jazz Band - 2:35 - 4:00PM
Wednesday, 11/28 - Intermediate Band @ 7:45AM
Wednesday, 11/28 - Orchestra @ 2:35
Thursday, 11/29 - Beginning Band @ 7:45AM
Friday, 11/30 - Jazz Band @ 7:45AM

The December Calendar will be going home with the students this week. Please make sure you look it over an note when your child has rehearsal. This calendar will also be posted on the Blackboard Site.

Practice Logs:

Students are still required to have a parent or guardian signature on their practice log each week. Students will no longer turn their practice log in each week. The logs will be checked during their in-school lesson. If you have any questions about the new practice log format, please feel free to contact me.

Class Participation Grade:

For Term 2, students will be getting a class participation grade. Each student will start with 100 points. During the course of the semester, students can loose points for various reasons, one being leaving their instrument in the locker over a weekend. There have been far too many instruments left over the weekend. If the instruments do not go home to practice, your child will not grow as a musician and we will not be successful as a band. Please make an effort to make sure your child is taking his or her instrument home and putting in the appropriate amount of practice time.

I look forward to a GREAT December!


Mr. Daniels

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