Monday, January 21, 2013

"This Week in Instrumental Music" 1/21-1/25

Greetings Everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their day off and looking forward to some snow tonight! As we approach the end of term 2, there are a couple of important announcements that both students and parents should be aware about:

Rehearsal Schedule for the Week: 

Tuesday, 1/22 - Saxophone Ensemble - 7:00-7:40
Tuesday, 1/22 - 6th Grade Band - 7:45-8:20
Tuesday, 1/22 - Jazz Band - 2:45-4:00PM
Wednesday, 1/23 - 7th/8th Grade Band - 7:45-8:20
Thursday, 1/24 - 6th Grade Band - 7:45-8:20
Thursday, 1/24 - Orchestra - 2:45-3:30PM
Friday, 1/25 - Jazz Band - 7:45-8:20
Friday, 1/25 - Saxophone Ensemble - 2:40-3:40

Important Announcements:

  1. Student Practice Logs - Practice logs are due on Friday, 1/25. This practice log will count for one test grade (100 points). All students should drop off their practice logs in the bin by the front door before they leave for the weekend. 
  2. New Lesson Schedule - The new lessons schedule will begin NEXT Monday, 1/28, which is the next "A" Day. Each student will receive their new lessons time during their lesson or lunch this week. 
  3. Six Flags Payment - Checks for the Six Flag trip can be made out to "Dedham Middle School." The first payment of $15.00 dollars is due on Jan. 31st. You may pay the whole $75.00 fee at once if you please. 
  4. Term 2 Grades - Student's term 2 grade is going to be based on one playing test (7th and 8th Grade Band only), Concert Attendance + Self-Reflection, Rehearsal Attendance, Participation, Practice Log. If you have a concern about your grade in Band, please see me sometime this week.
I am looking forward to another great week!

Mr. Daniels

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