Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ensemble Descriptions

Good Afternoon Everyone,

There has been a little confusion on who is in what ensemble now that the groups have been split up. Below, I have outlined who is in each group:

Advanced Band:    ALL 7th and 8th grade students

Intermediate Band:  6th grade students who have played their instrument before in the Elementary Schools. **NOTE: If your child switched instruments (Clarinet to Saxophone), they will be in the Beginning Band, NOT the Intermediate band.

Beginning Band: 6th grade students who are new to the instrument they are playing.

All of the students should be aware of which group they are in. If you have any questions, please let me know. I am also sending home the October Calendar that contains the rehearsal schedule for the entire month.

Thank you all for your continued support and I will see many of you at the first concert. 


Mr. Daniels

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