Sunday, September 23, 2012

Important Reminders for This Week - 9/24

  1. The 6th Grade Band will resume this week on Tuesday, September 25th. All 6th grade Band students should be in the Band room no later than 7:40 on Tuesday. We will discuss the start of in-school lessons during Band class. These lessons will begin in the middle of this week. 
  2. Jazz Band Auditions will be taking place during lunch and after school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Please remind your child to sign-up for an audition time on the bulletin board outside of the Band Room if they have not done so already. The Jazz Band roster will be posted outside of Band Room by the end of the day on Wednesday. 
  3. Signed Handbook Pages: If you have not signed your child's handbook page, please do so as soon as possible and have them bring it to their next band class. I would like to have all of these collected by the end of this week. 
  4. Locks for Lockers: All of the student lockers will need to be locked this year for security reasons. I told each class that they will need to get a lock for their locker. If you have trouble getting a lock, please let me know as there is a limited supply of school locks students can use. 
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to meeting all of you at our first concert in December!


Mr. Daniels

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