Sunday, September 30, 2012

"This Week in Instrumental Music" - 10/1-10/5

Instrumental Rehearsal Schedule This Week:

Monday: Advanced Band - 7:45-8:20
Tuesday: Intermediate Band - 7:45-8:20
Wednesday: Advanced Band - 7:45-8:20
Wednesday: Orchestra - 2:35-3:15
Thursday: Intermediate Band - 7:45-8:20
Friday: Jazz Band - 7:45-8:20

Jazz Band Auditions:

Thank you for everyone who auditioned for the Jazz Band this year. It takes a lot of courage to audition  and everyone should be very proud. I was extremely excited that so many students wanted to be part of the Jazz Band. We had almost 40 students audition! Unfortunately, this is too many students for the Jazz Band. For those who did not make the Jazz Band this year, I am going to have a Jazz Lab Band that will be held once a week after school stating in January. In this class, students will learn about playing Jazz and build skills that will help them in their audition for next year. I encourage all of those students who did not make the Jazz Band this year to participate in this class. 

 Lesson Reminder:

I have also posted the pullout lesson schedule on this blog. Please review this lesson schedule with your child so they know when they need to bring their instrument. Please note that their lesson day might not fall on a band rehearsal day. Being prepared for lesson is part of your student's grade so it is important that they remember their instrument and music for lesson. 

DMS Music Blog Update!

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! This morning I completely revamped the layout of the DMS Instrumental Music Blog. All of the new pages can be seen along the right hand side of the blog page:

1. DMS Music Handbook and Expectations: The DMS Music Handbook is posted in this page. The handbook contains all the important information that you will need to know about Band or Orchestra this year. It also contains the class expectations and grading policies. If you have not returned the signed last page of this handbook, please do so by your next band rehearsal.

2. 2012-2013 Performance Schedule: The performance schedule for the year is posted in this page. Please note that these dates are subject to change in the event of unanticipated conflicts like a winter weather event.

3. Homework Assignments: These pages contain the homework assignments for the different ensembles. Students can download and print these assignments in case they did not pick them up in class.

4. Blank Practice Logs: This page contains a blank practice log that can be downloaded and printed.

5. Student Music - Recordings/Videos: This page will contain both professional recordings and student recordings of the pieces we are performing in Band. This page will also include performance videos.

If anyone has any suggestions on what else you would like to see on this blog, please let me know.

I am looking forward to a great year of music making.


Mr. Daniels

Sunday, September 23, 2012

DMS Orchestra Begins This Week!

The Dedham Middle School Orchestra will begin this week! Our first rehearsal will be Wednesday after school from 2:35-3:15PM. Please bring your instrument and any music or method books that you have.

Important Reminders for This Week - 9/24

  1. The 6th Grade Band will resume this week on Tuesday, September 25th. All 6th grade Band students should be in the Band room no later than 7:40 on Tuesday. We will discuss the start of in-school lessons during Band class. These lessons will begin in the middle of this week. 
  2. Jazz Band Auditions will be taking place during lunch and after school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Please remind your child to sign-up for an audition time on the bulletin board outside of the Band Room if they have not done so already. The Jazz Band roster will be posted outside of Band Room by the end of the day on Wednesday. 
  3. Signed Handbook Pages: If you have not signed your child's handbook page, please do so as soon as possible and have them bring it to their next band class. I would like to have all of these collected by the end of this week. 
  4. Locks for Lockers: All of the student lockers will need to be locked this year for security reasons. I told each class that they will need to get a lock for their locker. If you have trouble getting a lock, please let me know as there is a limited supply of school locks students can use. 
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to meeting all of you at our first concert in December!


Mr. Daniels

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Important Advanced Band (7th and 8th) Information!

  1. Advanced Band Rehearsal Schedule - The Advanced Band meets EVERY Monday and Wednesday before school when school is in session. If your child walks or is dropped off, please make an effort to have your child in the band room no later than 7:40AM so we can start on time. Our time together as a band is already limited and we need to use all of the time effectively.  If your child rides the bus, please have them hurry to the band room as soon as the bus arrives.
  2. Pull-Out Lessons- Your child's pull-out lesson will begin on Monday, September 17th. They will be notified on Friday when they have their lesson. Please make sure that your child brings their band instrument, music and method book on the lesson day as well as the days they have band! The lesson will always be on the same letter day. For example, if your student says they have their lesson on A1, that translates to Block 1 on an A day. Please note that this day will be a different day of the week each time so please make sure your child remembers to bring his or her instrument.
  3. DMS Instrumental Music Handbook - In class, each student was given a Instrumental Music Handbook that outlines all of the course expectations and grading policy. Each student was told to take this packet home and read it with each of you. I have attached the handbook to this e-mail. If it did not make it home, please take some time to read through it with your child so they understand what is expected of them. After reading through, please sign the back page and have your child bring it with them to band on Monday morning.
  4. What To Bring to Band and Lesson: A list of what your child should bring to every band rehearsal and lesson is found in the Handbook, but I wanted to reiterate a couple of the important points. Being prepared for class will be part of your student's grade and not having the items below will lower your student's final grade. 
    1. Instrument: By Monday, each student should have an instrument. I have attached the Music and Arts flier to this e-mail. This is the preferred company that we in Dedham would like everyone to use if your child needs to rent an instrument. If you already have been renting with a different company, you may stay with that company. If you have any questions about instruments, please let me know.
    2. 1" Music Notebook and Dividers: By Monday, each student should have a 1" inch notebook with dividers. This notebook will contain many different assignments throughout the year and will be part of your student's grade. If your child needs a notebook and dividers from the school, please let me know and I will make sure they have one by Monday.
    3. Essential Elements 2000 Method Book 1:   Each student needs to have this book for their instrument by the first group lesson. This book can be purchased at the Music and Arts store. If your child left theirs in the Band Room over the summer, please have them see me to get it back. There are also some extra books that are owned by the school. If you have a problem getting a book by next week, please let me know so I can make sure I have one.
    4. Pencil: It is very important that each student comes to band and lesson with a pencil! We will be writing in our books and on our music and sometimes things need to be erased. 
  5. Practice Logs: Starting next week, there will be weekly practice logs. Each band student is expected to practice 5 days a week for at least 30 minuets a day. Each day practiced will count for 1 point. These points will count towards your child's final grade in band. Each week, a parent or guardian must sign the practice log. If the practice log is not signed, the student will only get half credit.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Instrumental Music Registration Form

2012-2013 Rehearsal Schedule

Beginning Band (6th Grade) - Tuesday and Thursday from 7:45AM - 8:20AM - Begins on 9/11

Advanced Band (7th/8th Grade) - Monday and Wednesday from 7:45AM - 8:20AM - Begins on 9/10

Jazz Band - Friday from 7:45AM - 8:20AM - Begins on 9/21

Orchestra - Once a week after school - Day TBD